?What is Bahá’í

What is Bahay’i ?

Bahaism? What harm and danger do the Baha’is pose to Iran and why is there sensitivity towards them? These are the questions that may arise for any person who is not familiar with this sect. At the same time, online Persian-language visual and written media affiliated with hostile countries continuously promote this proposition that Baha’is are being oppressed in Iran. Why do these media oppress the Baha’is? And the last question, why are Baha’is important to America, England, the Zionist regime, etc.? The concern of this text is a brief, well-reasoned and documented answer to the above questions.
As the Ottoman Empire advanced to the eastern regions of Europe, the European colonialists were more concerned about it than before. The British criminal government took the most action in this regard. By sending their intelligence officers, they sought to find out the reason for the strength of Muslims. England quickly realized that the teachings of Islam were the secret of this power. Because these teachings taught Muslims that color, race, language, etc. are not factors of superiority and that all human beings are equal. The teachings of Islam taught Muslims that color, race or language should not be the cause of division between them and… the colonialist’s solution led to the formation of two sects. They created “Wahhabism” among Sunnis and “Baha’i” among Shiites.
The Baha’i process first started with “Ali Muhammad Bab” and his claims. The Bab, who lived in Bushehr, first claimed to be the special vicegerent of Imam Asr (AS). He was not satisfied with this amount and continued the lawsuit of Imam Zamani. Bab’s followers were called Bobby. When the Babis’ work led to rebellion and attacks on people’s farms, a great man named Amir Kabir took action and ordered the arrest of Bab. After his arrest, Bob was imprisoned in a castle near Tabriz and shot there by the order of the late Amir Kabir.
According to the instructions of the Bab, a person named “Sobah Azal” should have succeeded him, but Sobah Azal had a brother named “Hossein Ali Nouri” known as Baha’u’llah, who became his nose hair and he also filed a claim to succeed the Bab. During these days, the followers of the Bab were exiled to Iraq (which was a part of the Ottoman Empire at that time) and the followers of each of these two people engaged in theft and quarrels with each other in the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala. The situation got worse and the court of the Ottoman sultan decided to separate the two brothers from each other, so he exiled Azal and his followers to the island of Cyprus and Baha and his followers to Acre (a port city in the north of occupied Palestine).
In the meantime, something important happened. England, which, according to Bab’s will and order, had initially counted on Sobha Azal, then changed its position and soon realized that Hossein Ali Noori, or Baha’u’llah, was better for implementing British colonial wishes and agendas. This conclusion was the result of the trip and field investigation of one of the British intelligence agents named “Edward Brown”. Edward Brown traveled to Iran in the guise of an orientalist interested in Persian literature, but when we follow his path in Iran and in each city, we will see that he had meetings with the followers of the Babbit sect in different cities, probably to ask them about Sobh. Ask Azal and Hossein Ali Nouri.

There is a fundamental question here, and that is whether the choice of the place of exile of Hossein Ali Noori known as Baha’u’llah and his companions to one of the cities of Palestine (which today is part of the territory usurped by the Zionists) was a coincidence, or was this choice due to the declaration of British influence from Has it happened through his agents in the Ottoman court? Because some time after this exile, England attacked the Mediterranean coast and occupied the Palestinian region. After the Second World War, this region was given to the Zionists to establish their fake government by usurping and looting it.
But the main thing is that the Babi and Baha’i sects have always been trying to establish good relations with powerful countries and colonialists by gaining the satisfaction of them. The letters written by Ali Muhammad Bab or the meetings and conversations and writings of Bahá’u’lláh put their finger on the truth of this saying.
After the establishment of the fake Zionist regime, this sect was trying to endear itself in the eyes of the usurping Zionists, so it was engaged in advocating for the Zionists, and it is based on this that the regime, which itself is a thief and usurper, and in this way, took important parts of a land occupied areas to allocate to this sect and expand a place known as Bayt al-Adl.
In order to find out the answer to the 2 questions (what services did the Baha’is provide to their Zionist masters and what danger do they pose to Iran and the Iranian nation), a look at one of SAVAK’s documents regarding one of the Baha’i meetings seems to be sufficient because It has been said since ancient times: If there is someone in the house, one word is enough.
First of all, it is necessary to mention that during the government of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, the Baha’is had almost all the bottlenecks and influential and important places, and as the lifetime of Pahlavi II’s government passed, their influence grew more and more, and of course, this is only because of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi’s good faith towards them. It was not possible. From Amir Abbas Hoyda to Abdul Karim Ayadi, the king’s special physician who had extraordinary power and influence, or other people like Parviz Sabeti in the third pillar of SAVAK, as well as people like Hejbar Yazdani who became a super capitalist in the Pahlavi regime and…
Despite all the care that the Shah himself and his court and other Pahlavi statesmen had towards the Baha’is, see how the Baha’is responded to all the Pahlavi’s trust:
In one of the documents of SAVAK with very confidential classification, the date of which is written on 7 June 1347, it is stated: “At 6:30 p.m. on 7/3/47, the Commission for the publication of Nafahat Elah was formed in the meeting room number 4 located in the Nawab’s Asadullah Qodsianzadeh’s residence. Abbas Aghdasi, who was the speaker of the commission, said: His Excellency Mr. Asadullah Alam, Minister of the Royal Court, has done us a great favor. Especially Mr. Amir Abbas Hoyda (Bahá’í and Baha’i-born), God willing, both of them are Baha’is’ minor godmen, they give reports of their activities to the Supreme Court of God, the reference of Baha’is.

The government of Israel was recognized as a world champion in the 46th and 47th wars. We, the Baha’i community, praise the activities of this dear Jewish people. We are very happy that they are planning a law for the revival of Iran. The progress and progress of us Baha’is is that we have a spy in every department of Iran and all the ministries, and once a week, when the plans prepared by the government, which reach the Emperor Ariamehr, reports on the plan are sent to the circles. Rouhani comes at a price. For example, in the contractor’s council, the Baha’i staff of Iran submits its report every day on the field of Iran’s army and how weapons are imported into Iran, how they train paratroopers, to the spiritual community of Baha’is.
They say.”
In the last part of the above report, it is clearly stated that the Baha’is are spying for the Zionist regime from within the Pahlavi army. The question is that this sect dealt with the Pahlavi regime, which had good relations with both the Baha’is and the Zionists, in this way. Now, in the period of the Islamic Republic, with what degree of hatred and malice towards Islam and Muslims do this sect spy for the benefit of Israel?!
In order to understand the hatred of this misguided sect and the handiwork of Zionism, this SAVAK document is enough. There is a report dated May 18, 1350 with a very confidential classification in the documents of SAVAK, the description of which is as follows:
“A meeting was held with the participation of 9 Baha’is from the 15th district of Shiraz in the house of Mr. Farhang Azadegan and under the supervision of Mr. Loqmani. After reading the letter, Mr. Valiullah Luqmani spoke about the religions of the world and their statistics and Baha’i martyrs. He added that it is better for the Baha’is to study more and judge from the truth in order to understand the meaning of the Baha’is who have more freedom today. In the old days, the friends could not say that we are Baha’is, and they could not preach, if they fought, they would be killed immediately, but now those prejudices have been abandoned.
Now, we have an explicit order from America and London to promote the fashion of clothing and buildings in this country, and the non-veiling of Muslims, so that I read some material at Mr. Motamed’s house and all Baha’i boys and girls were happy. In Iran and other Muslim countries, as much as you can by following the fashion and propaganda, you can make the Islamic nation suffer so that they don’t say that Imam Hussein was the conqueror of the world and that Ali is the ruler of the world. . Weapons and ammunition are made by the hands of our teenagers in Israel.
Perhaps the question arises that despite these reports, why was no action taken against the Baha’is? The answer is that these reports were sent from SAVAK officials, but at the higher levels where decisions were made, those parts were in the possession of the Baha’is or under their influence.

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